Celebrating Nell's 100th Birthday...and Valentine's Day
/Nell pless waves to friends and family at she arrives at her 100th birthday party at Presbyterian apartments on february 14, 2024.
By Michelle Lepianka Carter, Area Agency on Aging of West Alabama
Valentine’s Day - In America, nearly half of the population, 47% per statistica.com, doesn’t feel the love towards a day traditionally synonymous with hearts and a flying baby. If you fall into that half of the nation, perhaps consider instead celebrating Nell Pless who turned 100 years young on February 14, 2024.
Nell PLEss looks on as cindy norwood, service coordinator at presbyterian apartments, reads a proclamation honoring nell on her 100th birthday from northport mayor john hinton.
She was born in Alexander City but Nell has called Northport home for the past 13 years. This year, on what is traditionally Cupid’s big day, it was Nell who got all the praise and love from her friends and family at Presbyterian Apartments. A group of about 30 people gathered to sing her Happy Birthday while enjoying a variety of sweet treats and memories. She was honored with proclamations from both the Mayor of Northport, John Hinton, and Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey celebrating her long life of positive contributions as an inspiration to her community and the state of Alabama.
When asked about her secret to attaining membership in the elite centenarians’ club, Nell didn’t hesitate to answer “The Lord and a whole lot of exercise.” Some of the exercise on her current schedule is through the BINGOcize program, administered locally by the Area Agency on Aging of West Alabama. BINGOcize is a 10-week, evidence-based health promotion program that combines exercise and health information with the familiar game of bingo, which has shown to be a great, fun way to get seniors moving and socializing.
“Since I have met Ms. Nell, she has been a joy to be around and talk with. She is admirable in every way and doesn’t let age define her.” - Lauren ballard, community health programs coordinator at the area agency on aging of west alabama
Lauren Ballard, Community Health Programs Coordinator at the Area Agency on Aging of West Alabama, leads some of the BINGOcize classes at Presbyterian Apartments. She has gotten to know Nell in class and has also assisted her through the SenioRx program as well as with Medicare Counseling, all available at the Area Agency on Aging of West Alabama. Lauren talked about the impression Nell has made on her, “Since I have met Ms. Nell, she has been a joy to be around and talk with. She is admirable in every way and doesn’t let age define her. She participates in classes regularly and is very loved by her family, friends, and neighbors.” She added, “I am always encouraged by her independence and sweet nature!”