“Make Your Mark” on Nursing Home Residents


By Ashley Adcox
Benefits & Resources Director
West Alabama Area Agency on Aging

     Imagine a 24-hour day without seeing your very close loved ones.  Imagine 30 days without receiving a hug from any of your family.  Now imagine 60 days and counting without being able to spend time in person with those dearest to you.  That is the life of all nursing home residents currently.  If you put yourself in their “social distancing” shoes, how would you compare their experience to your current quarantine status woes?  


  The Area Agency on Aging administers the Long-term Care Ombudsman Program.  The primary role of this position is to advocate for resident’s rights that live in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.  The exposure this program has to those living in this setting is what brings their needs, struggles and concerns into focus.  Because of how valued this population is, attempts to  “Make Your Mark” on their lives should be considered by looking for ways to bring joy to help overshadow their sorrow from missing in person visits with their family during this time. 

     Members of the Ombudsman Advisory Council set out to show residents they are a priority and donations were made by Veranda Melton with Capstone Village, Ellen Pratt with Quality Care Management and Gaines Brake with Maynard Cooper & Gale, PC.   Cookie trays were delivered for the dedicated staff who have cared for local nursing home residents.  The council also organized Operation Window Dressing and arranged for local musicians to play outside where residents could raise their windows to dance and sing along.  These steps were taken to show the staff how appreciated they are for their dedication to residents and to show the residents, they are not alone. 


     The ombudsman program is so thankful for the support of the advisory council members and honored to work with professionals who gave freely to brighten the hearts and faces of nursing home residents and their caregivers.