2017 West Alabama Kickoff Cookouts

Throughout the month of September we have been traveling to various outdoor locations to host Kickoff Cookouts in each of our seven counties. In an effort to reach more Older Americans in our communities so they can learn about available supports and services the “Information Series” will be held quarterly by the Area Agency on Aging. These cookouts are the first in a series of FREE community events. The cookouts featured Ashley Adcox, our Aging Services Supervisor, as a guest speaker talking about Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period that is coming up in October. There were also games, exhibitors and lots of dancing! 


Bibb County - Heritage Park - 09.06.17

Fayette County - Guthrie Smith Park - 09.18.17

Greene County - Eutaw City Park - 09.20.17

Hale County - Lion's Park - 09.22.17

Lamar County - Vernon City Park - 09.28.17

Pickens County - Aliceville City Park - 09.26.17

Tuscaloosa County - Bowers Park - 09.27.17